Students preparing proposals
Researcher | Research area |
Saba Aalishah | Movement coordination in skilled Taekwondo round-house kick |
Melika Shameli | Effect of exercise therapy on gait symmetry and regularity of individuals with ankle sprain |
Mehdi Salimi | Effects Functional Training on Dynamic Postural Control, Balance and Functional Performance of Lower Limb in Subjects With Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain |
PhD Candidates & MSc Students
Abbreviations are given at the end of this page.
Researcher | Title | Proposal Date |
Major | Level | My Role | University |
Zahra Rahimi | Effect of minimal shoe on postural control measures of gait initiation under cognitive load in blind teenagers | Feb. 2025 | OP | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
Sepideh Mesripour | Relationship between maximum tongue pressure and masticatory dysfunction in women with chronic painful temporomandibular disorder compared to the healthy group | Nov. 2024 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
Mohammad Javad Moghadam | Assessment and comparison of movement coordination pattern of spine and pelvis in adolescents with 40 to 60 degrees idiopathic scoliosis curves after surgery or brace treatment | Sept. 2023 | OP | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
Mahtab Bagheri | Analysis of lower limb joints coordination, gait kinematics and Shank-to-Vertical angle in stroke individuals following various Ankle Foot Orthosis heel heights | July 2023 | OP | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
Madineh Hasani | Planning and adaptation of task oriented intervention using virtual reality and comparison of its effectiveness with traditional occupational therapy on participation and activity performance in patients with cerebral palsy | Jan. 2023 | OT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
Narjes Soltani | Weighting and reweighting of visual input in a postural task in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed subjects via virtual reality environment | Feb. 2021 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
Habib Ejraee | Quantitative analysis and description of dimensional features and 3D patterns of Trans-tibial prosthesis to provide modern socket design criteria | Jan. 2021 | OP | PhD | Co-supervisor | IUMS |
Mitra Parsa | Effect of stability exercises in frontal plane in comparison with conventional based on stability and fall history in stroke patients | PT | PhD | Adviser | USWR |
Alumni (Former Students)
No. | Researcher | Title | Defense Date | Major | Level | My Role | University |
62 | Kasra Kazemi | Intralimb Coordination Pattern of the lower extremity and Ground Reaction Force in Men Athletes with Allograft and Autograft Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction during Landing | Feb. 2024 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
61 | Omid Mohammadi | Quanititative comparision of oral motor function in healthy subjects and people with spastic dysarthria and it’s relation to speech Rate | Dec. 2023 | ST | PhD | Co-supervisor | IUMS |
60 | Faranak Poorhosseini | The effect of action-sentence compatibility practice on postural control under perturbation conditions | Nov. 2023 | SP | PhD | Co-supervisor | SBU |
59 | Zahra Jiryaei | Comparison of the effect of one-month daily use of hinged AFOs with and without vibration on gait and function in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy | July 2023 | OP | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
58 | Najmeh Parhiz | The effect of mental and muscle fatigue on accuracy and movement variability of dart throw skill | Feb. 2023 | SP | PhD | Co-supervisor | SBU |
57 | Mobina Khosravi | Quantification of the effective pressure applied by brace in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis based on dose-response relationship and comparison of the effectiveness of brace adjustment with this method and conventional method on clinical parameters | Dec. 2022 | OP | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
56 | Alireza Jamali | Effect of occupation performance coaching for families of children with autism spectrum disorder using telerehabilitation | Feb. 2022 | OT | PhD | Co-supervisor | IUMS |
55 | Tahere Hoseinpoor | Evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of lumbar clinical instability tests and assessing the relationship between lumbar muscles morphology and pain intensity and disability in patients with lumbar segmental instability | Feb. 2022 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
54 | Zahra Nemati | The effect of hybrid knee brace on coping ability and neuromuscular parameters after acute anterior cruciate ligament tear. |
Oct. 2021 | OP | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
53 | Rezvan Azimi | The effect of secondary task on the variability of posture: A UCM approach. | Sep. 2021 | SP | PhD | Co-supervisor | SBU |
52 | Maede Farzadi | The effect of structural factors and orthotic therapy of hallux valgus on complexity of ground reaction force using non-linear analysis. | Aug. 2020 | TO | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
51 | Maryam Golmohammadi | The effect of ankle nonelastic taping on leg stiffness in amateur healthy basketball players during jump shot | Feb. 2020 | SPT | MSc | Supervisor | IUMS |
50 | Vahideh Moradi | Gait pattern and dynamic stability of transfemoral amputee using asymmetric prosthesis: A nonlinear dynamics approach | Oct. 2019 | TO | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
49 | Nader Esmaili | Prediction of fall in elderly people using biomechanical variables during walking | Sep. 2019 | SP | MSc | Adviser | UT |
48 | Habibollah Khatatnejad | Comparison of Lower-Limb Coordination Variability Between Junior and Senior Elite Fencers During Lunge Attack | Sep. 2019 | SP | MSc | Adviser | UT |
47 | Narges Charkhian | The effect of arousal level on hand joint variability in novice, semiskilled, and skilled pistol shooters: the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis (UCM). | Jan. 2019 | SP | PhD | Adviser | SBU |
46 | Ghazal Kharaji | Study of proprioception of pelvic floor muscles in women with stress urinary incontinence compared with continent women. | Sep. 2018 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
45 | Elham Esfandiari | Gait Initiation in Patients with Mild Osteoarthritis of Tibiofemoral Joint and The Effect of Lateral Wedge Insole. | Sep. 2018 | TO | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
44 | Mohammad Reza Pourahmadi | Effect of core stability and general trunk exercises on the kinematics and joint coordination of the lumbar spine and dominant hip during sit-to-stand and vice versa in patients with chronic non-spesific low back pain. | Mar. 2018 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
43 | Fariba Barani | Investigating Multi-joint Synergy in Basketball Shooting Skill Based on Physical and Biological Approaches using UCM hypothesis. | Jan. 2018 | SP | PhD | Adviser | UT |
42 | Sahar Boozari | Comparison of Gastrocnemius Kinesio taping on Viscoelastic Characteristics and Performance of Musculoskeletal System during Vertical Jump Before and After Fatigue in Healthy Subjects Using Mass-Spring-Damper Model. (Abstract) | Aug. 2017 | PT | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
41 | Maryam Hekmatfard | Effect of Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis (LSO) on the gait dynamics in non-specific recurrent low back pain patients (NSLBP) using DFA method. (Abstract) | April 2017 | TO | PhD | Supervisor | IUMS |
40 | Taher Babaee | Measurement of Milwaukee brace pads pressure immediately after adjustment for standardization and determination of its relation to curve correction. | Feb. 2017 | TO | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
39 | Mahshid Chehrehrazi | Goal equivalent manifold (GEM) hypothesis of motor performance in NSLBP and healthy subjects during trunk bending: effect of load, speed, and symmetry. | Dec. 2016 | PT | PhD | Supervisor | TUMS |
38 | Esmaeel Saemi | The effect of differential attentional strategies and skill level on performance and movement coordination variability: The role of visual information. | Sep. 2016 | SP | PhD | Adviser | SBU |
37 | Ali Karami | Calculation of Biodex Balance indices using a modified wobble board. | Sep. 2015 | Mech. Eng. | MSc | Co-supervisor | SUT |
36 | Hesam Ramezanzade | The effects of audiovisual integration on perception, reproduction and learning basketball jump shoot. | June 2015 | SP | PhD | Adviser | SBU |
35 | Soheila Fallah | Comparative study of the effect of enhanced somatosensory information with usage of textured insole on postural control in quiet standing in chronic stroke subjects and healthy people. | Mar. 2015 | OT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
34 | Yashar Kocheily | The effects of modified perturbation training on lower limb muscular activity during drop landing after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). | Mar. 2015 | PT | MSc | Adviser | TUMS |
33 | Arezoo Seddigh | The effects of modified perturbation training on cross-over hop test score and core muscle timing in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). | Feb. 2015 | PT | MSc | Co-supervisor | TUMS |
32 | Paria Jamshidian | The effects of modified perturbation training on cross-over hop test score and lower extremity muscle timing in patients after ACLR | Jan. 2015 | PT | MSc | Adviser | TUMS |
31 | Farzaneh Haghighat | Hand fatigue analysis using quantitative assessment of drawing patterns. | Mar. 2014 | SPT | MSc | Supervisor | IUMS |
30 | Erfan Karami | Comparison of acceleration frequencies in single sprint kayak in skilled, semi-skilled, and beginner men kayakers. | Feb. 2014 | Sports | MSc | Adviser | AU |
29 | Morteza Asgari | The effect of speed on kinematic variability and dynamic stability of trunk in subjects with and without nonspecific low back pain during a sagittal repetitive flexion/extension movement. | Feb. 2014 | Mech. Eng. | MSc | Adviser | SUT |
28 | Zeinab Rasouli Kahaki | Effect of flooring and footrest on muscle fatigue and discomfort in prolonged standing. | Feb. 2014 | ERGO | MSc | Adviser | SBU |
27 | Narges Mortazavi | Comparison of effect of two carpet weaving postures on subjective and objective measurements of muscle fatigue, muscle electrical activity and discomfort in the shoulder and neck muscles. | Aug. 2013 | ERGO | MSc | Adviser | Orumiyeh |
26 | Sara Moradi | The effect of perturbation training on postural control after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). | Jan. 2013 | SPT | MSc | Co-supervisor | TUMS |
25 | Gholamhossein Nassadj | Isokinetic knee moment comparison in closed versus open kinematic chain following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR). | 2012 | PT | PhD | Co-supervisor | TUMS |
24 | Gelareh Radmehr | Activation pattern of selected trunk muscles during over ground and treadmill walking. | 2012 | SP-MED | MD | Adviser | TUMS |
23 | Hamed Esmaeili | Longitudinal effects of foot orthotics on changes in muscular activity pattern in patients with pes planus during walking. | Sept. 2012 | Sports | MSc | Adviser | BASU Hamedan |
22 | Mehdi Rafei Borojani | Effect of movement direction variation in relation to gravity on generalized motor program (GMP) recruitment in fast single joint elbow movement. | Feb. 2012 | Sports | PhD | Adviser | SBU |
21 | Milad Pirali | Antagonist muscle co-activation during knee extension in ACL reconstruction athletes. | Fall 2011 | Sports | MSc | Adviser | AU |
20 | Seyed Hamed Fazeli | Effect of ankle taping on center of pressure changes during dynamic balance performance in chronic ankle instability. | Sept. 2011 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
19 | Solmaz Salehi | Effect of stability and stretching-strengthening exercises on balance of individuals with forwarded head posture. | Aug. 2011 | PT | MSc | Adviser | Semnan |
18 | Sahar Boozari | Effect of functional fatigue on vertical ground reaction force among individuals with flat feet. | Aug. 2010 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
17 | Narges Feizabadi | Effect of perturbation training on GRF in ACLD patient during stair ascending and descending. | Fall 2010 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
16 | Fatemeh Khanmohammad | The effect of a new insole on ground reaction force and center of pressure in subjects with flexible flat foot and comparison with common insoles | May 2010 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
15 | Masoomeh Bagherzadeh | Effect of high-top shoe with rocker sole on pain, disability, activation limitation and vertical ground reaction force in rheumatoid arthritis patients. | Feb. 2010 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
14 | Peyman Motealleh | Comparative evaluation of the core and extensor mechanism muscle activation patterns between subjects with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome while ascending and descending stairs. | 2010 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
13 | Leila Abbasi | Effect of perturbation training on gait kinematics of ACL deficient patients. | Oct. 2009 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
12 | Omid Haddad | The effect of augmenting Dentist’s chair with trunk and arm supports on Trapezius EMG Activity. | 2009 | Biomech. | MSc | Adviser | SUT |
11 | Loghman Mohammadi | Comparison of stiffness of rectus femoris and hamstring muscles in healthy and NSLBP patients. | 2008 | PT | MSc | Adviser | USWR |
10 | Arezoo Eshraghi | Effect of Milwaukee brace wear on static and dynamic balance parameters in female hyperkyphotic adolescents. | Sept. 2008 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
9 | Marjaneh Sohrab | Evaluation of the immediate effect of two types of ankle foot orthoses on proneus longus muscle onset and latency in response to sudden ankle perturbation in athletes with fictional ankle instability. | Jul. 2008 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
8 | Hossein Asghar Hosseini | Effect of improving symmetry of weight bearing on postural stability and visual dependency in hemiparesis after stroke. | Jul. 2008 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
7 | Kamyar Ghoseiri | Effect of vibrational orthotics on stability and walking speed of PD patients. | Mar. 2008 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
6 | Hamed Pardehshenas | Activation pattern of lumbo-pelvic muscles in different loading conditions. | Feb. 2008 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
5 | Mohammad Taghipour | Clinical validation of radiographic kinematic characteristics of lumbar spine instability. | May 2007 | PT | PhD | Adviser | IUMS |
4 | Morteza Mohammadi | Designing and fabricating of a stance control offset knee joint and evaluation of its effect on gait of a patient with unilateral lower limb paralysis. | Sept. 2006 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
3 | Majid Shahbazi | Effect of lumbopelvic corsets and taping on postural control of patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain. | Aug. 2006 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
2 | Behdad Tahayori | An Investigation to determine the effects of some sensory motor intervention on selected kinematic variables during treadmill walking. | Mar. 2006 | PT | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
1 | Meria Yazdani | Effect of insole materials on GRF pattern of subjects with structural leg length discrepancy. | Mar. 2005 | TO | MSc | Adviser | IUMS |
Major Abbreviations:
Biomech: Biomechanics (Biomedical Engineering)
ERGO: Ergonomics
Mech. Eng.: Mechanical Engineering
OT: Occupational Therapy
PT: Physiotherapy
SP: Sports Sciences
SPT: Sports Physiotherapy
SP-MED: Sports Medicine
TO: Technical Orthopedic, or OP: Orthotics and Prosthetics
OP: Orthotics and Prosthetics
ST: Speech Therapy
University Abbreviations:
AUT: Amirkabir University of Technology
AU: Azad University
BASU: Bu-Ali Sina University
IUMS: Iran University of Medical Sciences
SBU: Shahid Beheshti University
SUT: Sharif University of Technology
TUMS: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
USWR: University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation
UT: University of Tehran