For a list of research projects, please visit Students page.
RRC/IUMS Funded Projects
Current Projects
- Assessment of complexity and variability of postural control in individuals with Anterior cruciate ligament injury under various cognitive dual-tasks: an RQA approach. 2025
- Analysis of lower limb joints coordination and gait kinematics in stroke subjects, August 2022.
Past Projects
- Relationship between lumbar extensor muscles and sacropelvic parameters in chronic low back pain patients with lumbar
segmental instability, July 2022~Dec. 2024 - Comparison of Gastrocnemius Kinesio taping on Viscoelastic Characteristics and Performance of Musculoskeletal System during Vertical Jump Before and After Fatigue in Healthy Subjects Using Mass-Spring-Damper Model. 2016
- Implementation of Brunnstrom test for upper extremities in post stroke patients using the Microsoft Kinect sensor along with clinical validation, Started Oct. 2014.
- Clinical Gait Analysis Lab. Started Aug. 2015.
- Effect of Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis on the gait dynamics in non-specific recurrent low back pain patients using DFA method. 2015~2017.
- Effect of fatigue on sport functional ability among adults aged 18 to 35. Started May 2014, Finished Aug. 2015.
- Design and fabrication of force plate calibration device and assessment of its reliability. Started Feb 2012, Finished Aug. 2015.
- Effect of functional fatigue on center of pressure variables among individuals with flat feet. Started June 2013, Finished Feb 2015.
- Test-retest reliability of center of pressure measures of dynamic tasks in postural stability of healthy and low back pain subjects. Started Jan 2013, Finished Jan 2015.
- Design and fabrication of a device for measurement of balance disorders. Started Dec 2012, Finished Dec 2014.
- Determining distinctive threshold and duration of muscle activation in rapid elbow movements in various directions considering gravitational effect using surface EMG, Started Jul 2012, Finished Apr 2013.
- Design and fabrication of a lower limb torque measurement device and assessment of its reliability. Started Nov 2011, Finished Dec 2012.
- Evaluation of effectiveness of a quantitative measurement method of hand drawings in assessment of improvement trend. Started May 2010, Finished Apr 2011.
- Effect of rehabilitation exercises on correlation of temporal gait patterns of ACL deficient patients. Started March 2010, Finished Apr 2011.
- Local Dynamic Stability of ACLD Gait and Effect of Perturbation Training. Started Aug. 2008, finished Feb 2010.
- Quantitative analysis of elbow range of motion variability due to muscular fatigue. Started Oct. 2008, finished Feb 2010.
Other Miscellaneous Past Projects
- Effect of therapy on quantitative measures of writing skills in PD patients, 2008.
- Measuring center of mass from force-plate data using double-integral method. PhD research of H.A. Hosseini, Oct 2006.
- Design and supervision of precise setup for perturbation analysis of anterior tibial translation in ACL defecient and healthy subjects using accelerometer and EMG recordings. PhD research of Basir Majdoleslam, 2006.
- Design of a new setup for whiplash study using accelerometer and EMG recordings. PhD research of Zahra Rojhani, 2006.
- Design and development of Radiographic Analyzer for Spine (RAS/CARA). A powerful software suite for analysis of spine radiographs and quantification of instability factor (IF) and center of rotation (ICR). PhD research of M. Taghipour, 2006.
- Muscle activation pattern of lower extremity muscles in non-specific chronic low back pain and normal subjects, IUMS, Fall 2005.
- Design and fabrication of a computer-based electrogoniometer, Jondishapour University, Fall 2005.
- Color-Matching assessment of stroke patients, PhD setup of Dr. I. Abdollahi at USWR, Spring 2005.
- BioSensor: an integrated software for posturograpgy using electrolyte tilt sensors. PhD setup of Dr. S. Kahrizi at TMU, 2002.
- EMG/Isokinetic Data Analyzier (EIDA) 2004, PhD setup of Dr. A.A. Jamshidi at TUMS.
- Design and fabrication of a synchronous EMG/Myo-meter data logger (MyoLog1), PhD setup of Dr. N. Maroufi at IUMS/USWR, 2005.
- Design and fabrication of Ankle Perturbation System (APS). PhD setup of Dr. B. Akhbari at IUMS/USWR, 2005.
- Design and fabrication of an exo-skeletal assistive device (EAD) at SUT, using SEA concept, 2003-2004.